To: GMG Security Division
From: Guild Master Raikoke
Subject: Usage of Gas Miners Naha and Ogashawa
Priority: Very High
Message reads:
Konichiwa GMG Security
Been a busy day at the office today.
There have been concerns that were brought up recently by the Security Division describing the current usage of Gas Miner Naha and Gas Miner Ogashawa. Reports show that capital class warships have been docking with our miners for extensive periods of time. An investigation was done by the administration to see what effects this had on both facilities and the results looked grim for both Naha and Ogashawa.
These two facilities were not designed so that warships may moor to them for long periods of time. Neither facilities have the resources to handle any visitors for any extended length of time. They can only house the workers and security on any long term basis with provisions aside for the crew of the transports who come to load their cargo's with the H-fuel. We don't want our staff getting starved out. To top it off mooring fictures are limited on both facilities and they can't be held up for too long because the next transport in line needs to get on with business.
There was some lengthy deliberation that followed these conclusions. Two side were split on the onset of discussions and while both sides wanted capital class ship to stop mooring with the miners, one side wanted GMG allies to be able to dock with their capital class ships. A decision was made:
-GMG cannot afford to have any capital class warships whatsoever docking with Gas Miner Naha and Gas Miner Ogashawa.
-Security Division will be asked to ensure that only trade ships and small ships dock with the miners for only a short period of time.
-For extended stays by traders and small ships we have the appropriate facilities and services on Aomari Station in Honshu.
-Capital class warships, allied or neutral, can be directed to either Aomari Station or if they prefer they may go to Helgoland Station. I do suggest Helgoland as it's facilities are far better equipped to handle the larger ships
-We do not need capital class warships around the miners for extended periods, Security will be asked to escort them to a more appropriate location, like Helogoland. We don't care if it takes hits, but it is getting expensive repairing damage to Naha done by large turret fire. Security does patrol to Helgoland periodically and can assist allied capital class vessals