I'm afraid that's, in a way, part of our Role Play since we are the Military Section of the Red Hessians and as such, we are rarely involved in 'funding-operations' and rather classified as a hit and run force.
However, there have been attempts to bring the Red Hessian Pirates [RHP] to life (which is a rogue-like RP: Gangsters who aren't the smartest really) but our attempts failed as Omega 5 and Dresden aren't the most popular systems in Sirius. So, in the end we found our selfs sitting at the s-13 hole. The only difference to the [RHA] Gameplay was, that we'd run like cowards as soon as we'd have any possible threat on our scanners - and that happens alot down there =/
But I'm still confident that we will get fresh air into our systems due to the new traderoutes (in like ... months.)