The program has changed quite a lot since last release. The idea is to add more useful features with each version, not just correct bugs.
For next version, I have in mind (That would be version 2 due to big changes) to add a server query and a server list. The query will retrieve from a given server(s) char names, ships, config, credits, cargo, etc. That way you don't have to keep track of the changes you do to the ships. Still, I don't have idea of how to do that yet.
DO: The bug is not a bug, but a limitation.
After a name change you have to hit "save changes".
I added that button because the changes cannot be saved on the "afterlabeledit" event.
That is because the control updates *after* the event is complete. Hence, if I call the "savechanges" sub from inside the "afterlabeledit" event, the list will be saved, but *before* the changes takes place. That is, the list as it was before the edit took place will be saved, not the edited one. It sucks...
I've changed that in the current source by removing the button and adding a timer that will save changes 0.2 seconds after the "labeledit" is complete (That is to give time to the event to complete in (very) old machines). It's a rough solution (it still sucks), but is the only way I know to circumvent the problem.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )