I love your RP and the fights against you, because it gives me a challange.
If I encounter you in teamfights its a good practice for me, keeping my men busy and doing the strategic part here.
Checking the Loadouts and warning my pilots if they will face 2 Missiles or torpedos. Its an essential thing you might say, but we have got a lot of new recruits out there and its hard to train them all in the same manner, especialy because ive got only 1 Wrath with 1 Loadout for that. Due to the factor "Time", its often not possible to get the training loadout so they can train against explosives.
Training is never the same as a real fight and if things go fast, some forget to check the weapons or to use the correct counter against loadouts. Again the factor "Time" appears. With every fight they get better.
Suddenly you are in a teamfight, against one of the best factions around the server. You are in a Wrath, so a little mistake can get you out of the fight. You get a little bit nervous and "B?M!" Dead recruit floating in a pod.
On your side, there are the usual 4-6 RHA Pilots, that know each other for months, got the fighting experience and trained a lot together.
On the RM side its always fluctuating. Sometimes there are the old pilots and sometimes there are the newer ones, not so familiar with the fights, out there.
In addition to that, you hardly ever have indis on your side.
Now you might say: "But youve got the Gunboat and the 2 indi ships, that was a fair fight or even unbalanced for us! We did not have a gunboat!"
I dont want to offend our Gunboat-Indis here, but in most cases the Gunboat is only a few seconds there.
And the Wrath ones are hard to insert where they could do their best in the fight.
I know only 2 indi Pilots that act like they were in the RM faction, due to the simple fact that Im familiar with their strengths and weaknesses in fights, like I know them for most pilots in our ranks.
Now what am I saying with this wall of text?
Simple. Just give us a chance to grow together and learn how to fight against you.
You cant imagine how happy I was, to see no RM pilot going down in the first 5 minutes of the fight.
I call it even a new record here, this was the longest fight we ever had against you.
The indis got kicked in your usual 1minute time, but not our pilots.
Now why was Malexa happy? Right! Seeing succuess in some point. And I bet im not alone with that.
Its easy for you well trained pilots to wipe our forces with using all your tactics.
We CANT jump with all our pilots from Wrath-Basic-Training to "We kill everything in under 1 Minute and if it gets tough, we share our equipment".
If I can hardly survive, with full control over my Wrath, when you fire upon me, how would it be when im in the menu klicking the "drop bots" button.
Give us a chance out there, especialy in teamfights. We are not your enemy, we are your friends. We are playing the same game for one reason.
Its called Fun.
Answers like "Thats your fault we will fight with our maximum strength against you and use everything we have!" are totaly wrong here.
Try to communicate with us, try to see it at the recieving end.
We need each other. So we need also to figure out what we can make better when one side gets pissed off by something.
The same goes for the RM.
If you have concerns about something, talk about it, dont turn a blind eye on things, just because they dont harm your side of the relationship.
And do this in a friendly way, no need to make a big trouble out of nothing.
Its not what you say, but how you say it.