So as some of you may already know, I like to cook. Not talking pizza in the microwave, I mean actually gather up ingredients and make good food. From the very spicy to the incredibly subtle, the food I cook is all about taste and flavour. It should titillate the palette, it should never be simply shovelling it into one's mouth as if eating was a chore. With the abundance of good ingredients it is only right that these vbe combined into a great experience for any and all who choose to indulge.
It s my intention to post recipes here, actual recipes that I have cooked, now the intention is that most of these recipes can be produced on a student or welfare budget, but in the event I choose to post something expensive I will note that these dishes may not be suited to those of limited means. Or just save up and really treat yourselves.
Food and cooking is as much about personal taste as sense of taste, so with that in mind these recipes will not be set in stone, feel free to modify and change based on personal desire, but please post feedback here and tell me what changes you made, if any, this way I can try out variations of my own food. Note that my ingredients list isn't very precise, that's because I add as much as I want to add to these dishes, so once again feel free to add or subtract as your tastes dictate.
To start off with I am going to turn something truly budget into a dish fit to serve to anyone. The good old fashioned egg omelette.
The One Shot Omelette
This omelette is designed to provide a good balanced meal for under a fiver. In fact well under a fiver.
It'll serve two easily.
3 eggs
Red Peppers
Green Peppers
2 slices of good ham
Cheese ( I used White Stilton with apricots, but that was a rare and special treat)
1. Prepare all you ingredients, you'll want about 10-12 chunks of each pepper, and a good helping of cheese. Dice the ham as well, fair sized pieces. Chop the potatoes into 2 inch long 3/4 inch wide strips. The thicker they are the less fat they absorb. Believe it or not.
2. Beat the eggs, beat them like you'd beat a ginger step-child.
3. Mix the peppers and ham into the eggs, and then crumble your cheese in. Season to taste.
4. Cook the chips in a deep fat fryer, if you haven't got one, use a saucepan filled with about a litre of vegetable oil. If using the saucepan method DO NOT LEAVE IT UNATTENDED. Fast way to set alight to your kitchen. They should take about 20 minutes, remember to heat the oil first, adding the chips to cold oil will make them soggy and horrible.
5. When the chips are nearly ready (about 5 minutes to go) add the egg mix into a pre-heated frying pan, you'll want a medium heat or the omelette will burn. Nothing ruins good food like the taste of burnt food. Cook for 3 minutes on one side then flip it over and cook for a further 2 on the other.
6. Plate it up, garnish to taste.
And that is an omelette done up good. Tastes great, and you can experiment with whatever veg you like. You can also take the meat out entirely for a pure veggie dish.
Try it, and feedback. More recipes to come.
Saint Del is considered a holy healer of diseases of children, but also as a protector of cattle.