SNES - wing commander (SNES port, jesus that was long ago but the system and games still work well)
MAC - (we had macs up untill the G3 before we got a PC. A G5 some how squeked in recently)
Wing commander 3/Star Wars: X-wing/Starcraft/Civilization 2 (these where about 7-10 years ago I think)
PS 2 - hmmm sooo many... Final Fantasy 10 sticks out
PC - too many for a favorite notibles (in no particluar order) are:
Half-Life 2+mods
Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 3
Freelancer :D
Civilzation 4
Medieval/Rome- Total War
Starcraft (again! the CDs made it to my current PC. Thank god Blizzard decided to cross platform it)
Myst 3 and 4 - (both are just visually awsome)