Transmit to: High Chancellor Aeon, Grand Admiral McIntosh
Transmit from: Admiral Ant, Dreadnaught Procrastinator
Received reports of a number of ships terrorising Omega 49 traders.
Procrastinator moved to respond and encountered a Gunboat, comm ID Guyton, attacking traders.
Hacker Spyglass, comm ID SiD, emerged from dock on Gran Canaria as the Procrastinator was engaging Guyton, which was attacking a trader. SiD opened fire on Procrastinator and dropped our shields as the trader CAMULOS was being attacked by the Guyton.
Procrastinator engaged SiD and had inflicted critical damage when the Corsair Dreadnaught Lauberge came to the assistance of SiD. SiD was dispatched and the Procrastinator entered cruise.
Suggest that our base of operations is under threat along with the trade that keeps us going. I would recommend a forceful response.
I'd like to welcome Captain sunergos and Lieutenant Squeage to the ranks. Apparently a new Liberty Assault Frigate may be entering the fray.