' Wrote:The last time I suggested a spring cleaning of all official factions I got lynched, publically and brutally. Some of the official factions don't want to be re-judged for various reasons. And without the threat of having official status removed there is no incentive to clean up any faults.
This disturbs me, to be frank. I don't actually remember the situation you're talking about Del, but I think a periodic review of official factions is quite appropriate. We do participate in a community, after all, and if we aren't willing to submit our activities for community feedback, critique, suggestions for improvement, AND affirmation, then we really shouldn't be here. A community is a place where we commit to improving ourselves and each other. If official factions can't handle this, perhaps some time as "unofficial" would do them some good.
Unofficial groups could stand to do the same. No penalties, no censure (except for server rule violations and trampling on others' RP), but they should seek out feedback from others on the server. And I don't mean the buddies they came here with, but more established players who themselves have earned a measure of respect from the community. If we're going to name ourselves a community, let's be mature enough to act like one (and that means everybody, not just the new players).
Edit: As far as the number of unofficial factions goes (oh yeah, the topic...), I would not suggest bureaucracy for this. Rather, let's communicate on who's doing what, and let's be constructive enough not to overload particular segments that should - in RP - be smaller than others, while neglecting those that should be larger. People need to do their homework, ask around, refer to Del's unofficial faction thread, etc. Surely there's a way for folks to do something their interested in while contributing to the overall balance of the server's RP. If not, I doubt it's a server/community problem as much as a failure of imagination.