Before I start BAWWW-ing, I'm going to tell my story.
I was cruising through New York, on my OSC Lux Liner. I had two units of Cardamine in my hold, for the RP-purpose of pleasing my wealthy riders. I was carrying some Neon, en route to Kyushu both to RP my OSC character and to sell the Neon, because it's on the way to the start of my OSC loop.
I was stopped by an Indie Police officer, who told me to drop my two units of Orange. I refused, claiming it to not be in my cargo hold, but rather in my wealthy passenger chamber. He kept telling me to drop my cargo, but then started shooting at me. In a panic for my passengers (Because we don't keep passengers in our cargo hold) I started running, but he CDed me. He was letting it all out on me, SNACs and Paralyzers, and pretty much any anti-cap weapon you can stick on a Liberty BOMBER.
Long story short, he killed me. Then I proceeded to have some fun with the RP aspect, and spoke from my escape pod as I blamed him for the murder of my 20,000 passengers on board my ship, all Liberty citizens. He kept insisting that I leave the system. I replied with "In what, my escape pod?" When I went to buy some more bats/bots for my next voyage, I found that all of my credits were gone.