Incoming Transmission........
Source: Les Vampirs Space Hangar, Valence Base-Dauphine System.
Bonjour Fellow Brethren
Directorate 1.1: All Vampirs/Brigands are Required to TAX every Trader caught Flying through Gallic space, No One is to be spared! As the costs of Repairing Damage to Brigand Ships returning from fights with the GRN / GRP are mounting into the Millions. Only Council, Maquis, Union Corse and Brigand Marked Trading Vessels are Exempt from this New Directive! Green Light has also been given for the Taxing of all Foreigner Marked 'Zoner' Ships and Junker Ships. So come on People the more money we can Scrape together the more Royal dogs we can kill, Our future is in Your Hands!