' Wrote:I have gunned down fighters that had mk8 armor and mini razor while I had none simply because i out turned them, so there hull got torn to pieces whille i was hardly untouched. ALthough Disco is not a pvp server per say, PVP is still apart of life as people will attack you. Hence you do need some kinda skill as armor will not save you against a good fighter.
What I would say is get Practice in by going to other PVP servers and training with Real pros. there are servers where people pvp all day long WITHOUT using Armor or Regens (as healing is considered noobish) and they own, as they will out turn you so hard you will be dizzy and dead within a min or less. Dont believe me go there and Test yourself. for me its Skill over equipment any day of the week
By turn modding? (Prod!gy reminded me of that xD)
Anyways, that aside, armour upgrades are becoming the norm. Why would you neuter yourself if only to prove yourself better?