Bonjour Rekaria' Diablo here, what ashame you have run into difficultys taxing. I myself first had trouble when I was amateur PegLeg but look at me now Half the GRN would not dare face me! As for traders Ive told you before if they dont pay you take em out escort or not.... Im not sure what happen but I assume there was some sitting around chit chat no money being transferred then they opened fire on you. In future when you ask for Tax, give them your price then wait literally 5 seconds before firing a warning shot if within the next 5secs they still dont reply or open a trade channel then let them Eat SNAC.
When I tax they have 10 seconds before there dead, then after that they cry Oh Well. If you ever come across a trader with an escort, from now on go straight for the trader demand tax, if they dont pay kill em then deal with silly escort, remember you can out maneuvour a fighter while Pounding a trader. As for these two twats Trader ship: [RUS]traidmaster, Escort : TNT If I see them I will personally destroy the escort and demand 15mill Tax from the trader or he goes too.
Cya in space Diablo out