Incoming transmission...
Source: Jim "Ringneck" Blaine
After hearing our mechanics on Ouray were planning on modifyin' my Roc's powerplant to prevent overheating like the damn thing always does... I was pretty ticked off to say the least.
I mean... Do they want us to get killed out there or somethin'?
Anyways... I decided to take it out for a spin, see if anything good came of it. Boy, was I not in the mood to see an Outcast Gunship popped up close to Ouray... And carrying their filthy drugs as well! I decided to give the bastard an ultimatum: either drop the cargo, or get antimatter rained on his hull. He says to me "But I'll die if I don't have my Cardamine!" and I says... "Good! My point exactly."
*chuckles a bit*
He didn't say much after that, until a buddy of his flying a raggety-looking Falcata comes around. I was getting a bit antsy, my trigger finger started itching as well. I decided to hell with it... let's see what the little ****s are made of!
To my surprise, despite the reduced capacity of my powerplant... I managed to kill them with little effort. It felt good, too. I got rid of the drugs as soon as they hit space, and decided not to try my luck any further when a Hunter came to poke his nose in my business.