It's not the money so much as the attitude displayed. In RP or OORP, comments like "this is too easy" in dogfights and farming guard pilots as a means of goading a fight isn't exactly good business.
Congress players aren't the best pvp pilots. Junker ships and guns aren't exactly the best combat tools either. We're all aware of this, but we make do. When my pixels are maneuvered less masterfully than someone else's, and I lose monopoly money over it it's not an issue I lose sleep over. But poor attitudes and thinly masked pvp bloodlust just generate bad blood.
Anyway, I'm willing to drop the matter and pretend the OSI was never involved.
My only other comment is that I like SigCorps' proposal and the depth to which he takes the RP behind the trade runs. Here's to future interaction between good smart business organizations.