I'd like to think I do a decent job at roleplaying Trent, sure its a dodgy process in keeping people happy and RP. Sadly, my PvP skills are mediocre at best.
Getting chased by everyone and 'OMG its Trent!' civilians...
In my view, Trent would keep doing work for the Order since the Nomad revelations, his selfish views of monetary gains would be seconded to humanity's survival. He's not a hammer of justice, or a man of evil. He is the that man who fills in the grey middle slot, the neutral sad act if you will.
I try to portray him in a dark tone, he's willing to kill to get the job done, but only if its absolutely necessary, otherwise, he avoids combat, and contact.
I play him as a reconnaisance pilot in The Order, no longer a bomber.
EDIT: Any pointers or feedback on how I RP Trent is always appreciated.