Name: Marcus Lindberg
Age: 21
Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 80 kg
Previous Jobs: Weapons Designer at Detroit Munitions, Freelancer (lawful)
Qualifications: 500 kills, over 2 weeks experience (25 hours) (oh, and I've been to Languedoc and done a few jobs there against Gallic Royal Navy)
Brief Biography:
*Born: February 11th, 796 A.S., Planet Manhattan, New York system
*Education: High school degree, Manhattan Flight school degree, Mechanical Engineer's degree from MIT (Manhattan Institute of Technology)
*No criminal record
Reasons for Joining:
Well I tried getting into the Liberty Navy but they turned me down. I wanted to get into the Navy in order to fight of the rhienland invaders and fight for a worthy cause too: saving Libertonians. Since they turned me down, I though I would try the LPI as its the next best thing. Of course we wouldn't be fighting on the front lines, but at least we would be working to stop illegal goods from rhienland coming in and prevent the ll destructive force of cardamine coming into Liberty
Skype: marcus.lindberg485
Short bio:
So I was born in Manhattan in 796, I'm 21. I was born to a Libertonian Mother and a Rhienlandic Father (who then applied for a Libertonian ID/passport). I have an older brother, who sadly died in the war against Rhienland a few months before, which is exactly what convinced me to join the Navy, but since my application was turned down, I see LPI as a second option in order to serve my country.