As much as I dislike the practice of wreck camping, and like the *theory* of this idea, I see issues. For one the missions to obtain codes will either be too easy (best farmed in capital ships at no risk) or too hard (ONLY possible to be farmed in capital ships.)
Then there would be the increase in strain on the server, due to more people likely taking missions.
Simply hiding the wrecks would mean little to nothing, as anyone who knows where they are... knows where they are. It would only cause a decrease in the "lucky find" of the common player. Scrambling locations doesn't exactly help (DATASTORM.) And some codes suit their locations (JADE suits the KNF somehow... oops did I say too much?) I'd like to see some interesting history behind these weapons other than "No information besides code name..."
Anyway it seems like abuse just can't be avoided in relation to code weapons.