I was born on a small planet on the outskirts of Kusari space. When I was only two years old, Bretonian forces attacked and both of my parents were killed. I grew up in and orphanage, unaware of my parents fate until I was adopted, at which time the head of the orphanage told me what had happened. I have been called many things since then, as I made my way through life.
It is time now, for me to find my place. After realizing what had happened to my family, I now have a strong desire to reap vengance upon the Bretonian dogs that killed my parents. It is for this reason that I have contacted you, hopeful that you will reply positively.
All honor to Kusari, and may the sun never set upon us. Arigato....
Transmission Ended.....
//I have already registered for a new account at http://kusarinavalforces.com/ and am awaiting the admin's approval. I look forward to being a help. Shiro Ookami will be the characters name, with the KNF tag.