[font=Palatino Linotype]Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Masterson, for your continued patronage in many of our communicays. How joyous indeed.
To dissolve any dilemmas, Singapore Shipyard is in one hundred percent ownership of the Colonial Republic and it will dispense it's products depending on it's wishes.
Thank you for sharing your opinion with us, nevertheless.
As for the matter at hand. Mr. Lightwing, as we have already spoken previously, and having in mind that the Zephyr would not be used for military purposes, but for science, which ultimately benefits us all, and also keeping in mind the amiable relations between the Zoners as a whole and the Colonial Republic, I do grant you one modified Zephyr Carrier vessel, to be used as per the specifications you provided.
We trust that what was put here on paper will be followed to the letter accordingly.
Contact me in here or in private for further communications, regarding payment to Singapore Shipyards, that is, the Colonial Republic's monetary funds, the desired specifications of your vessel, additional equipment, etc. etc.
Prime Minister Lampkin
<span style="font-familyalatino Linotype">
<span style="color:#000000">All morons hate it when you call them a moron.