I'M not really sure where to put this so I'm sticking it here.
I'd like to see some sort of requirement for all ships above heavy fighters to require crew. There are a lot of reasons for this. The main one is that it does give a lot of role play possibilities.
Think of it this way.. you would be required to have 1 pilot (of your faction) and say 1 spaceship crew for every 100 cargo units of your ship. So those big 5k transports would need at least 1 pilot and 50 crew.
If you are a pirate then police can suggest you drop your pilot to be held for trial or something. If you are lawful then pirates can hold your pilot for ransom.
Lawful's who have their pilots taken would need to engage the services of the navy or mercs to go and retrieve their crew etc etc.
there is alot that could happen with it. And even from a non rp point it makes sense. No way is one pilot flying a battleship or super freighter etc. I know its suggested to carry crew, but not a rule. I'd love to see it put in somehow.
I'd like to see it work like this.
Spaceship crew remain the same. Standard Cargo Units.
Player Pilot would be an item that is like shield bats. You could carry 1 per 500 cargo. They would have a HIGH cost to purchase, can only be purchased from a station / planet of your faction and need a friendly or higher to purchase. They can be ejected etd to fulfill rp stuff.
I don't know how possible this is but maybe even put something in that says your ship can't use cruise engines without at least 1 pilot. I'd say to make the pilot a mountable item but then i don't think you could dismount it to jettison it.. can you jettison mounted items? hmm well if you can then make it a mountable item. if not then like shield bats etc.
but anyhoo that's my idea. I think it would give a neat level to the rp experience.
Any thoughts?
PS again I apologize if this is not the correct forum, I didn't see one for suggestions..