Transmission Starting:
Comm I.D: Codename: Lt.Starkiller Hacking: Real Name: Timothy Ryan
Location: Planet Pittsburg, New York
Age: Unknown
Hair: Blonde/brown
Height: Lets just say im smaller then you
Birthplace: Manhatten
Exp: I have helped the [LN] on numerous accounts nad have fought in New Hampshire with the Aurora. and have flown with the Puddle Jumper, Dutch.Oven and other [LN] operatives.
Hail Liberty Navy
I am Requesting recruitment into the [LN]
I am currently flying a Libertonian Gunboat and am saving for a Siege Cruiser
I am not a fan of Rheinlanders and i think this explains itself.
I have always looked up to the LN as the peace keepers of Liberty. Too often I see rogue LPI officers taking bribes from smugglers who are carrying cardimine or artifacts or anything else.
But the navy is clean. They have the best security in all the houses i believe and when I see those brave officers on patrol my heart aches with pride.
I have decided it is time for me to join the LN.
As you have read im flying a Gunboat and trying to clean up Liberty of the scum thats lying around.
Rogues,Outcasts and the like have gone too far.
It was only yesterday when three corsairs invaded New York and took over Manhatten Space. But the navy prevailed in sending them off with the BS's limping towards the nearest jumphole.
I hope you can see to get back to me on this.
Look out for the killer of many star systems. STARKILLER | Thanks to ed-philips for the sig. | Have money to spare. Great, send it to [*USI*]Houston[T]. Your money will go towards funding the ''Clear out NY of lolwuts'' Campaign. Or a battle Razor will blow them to Omicron Iota. | Starkillers Story