I haven't seen much of anything from XA to be honest the raids that you use to do were okey but its not enough. Its time now not to be separate on our fight against Liberty we all have our different thoughts on how the new Liberty should be but fight alone we die, fight together they die. And, *binks multiple times* LRF could unite the front and battle over Liberty????
Quote:Why do you count Outcasts as Liberties enemies? Where is the nearest Outcast base to Liberty? How many fronts do the Outcasts fight on? Do you really think that it is realistic to count some remote pirate 'house' (please forgive me the term 'house') enemy of especially Liberty? The Outcasts are not a real threat for the Libertonians... they fight their lone war against the 'Sairs far away in the Omicrons.
They attack LN, LPI so they are a enemy of Liberty Law you don't have to have a base to be a enemy
Edit: If they are soooo busy fighting else where then tell your indie friends to leave Liberty I don't like em *Spits*