Holy... I completely forgot I posted this thread. *bump*
It seems like almost everyone who posted on page 3 completely missed the point of this thread...
' Wrote:Also, does it make sense to buy a battleship for 500,000 credits? In the real world, those things cost billions..
Battleships don't cost 5 million credits currently. Your math fails.
' Wrote:Every trader will die. That simple. The economy will crash.
I am not exagerating
elsdragon, you in particular have completely failed to understand the concept... the Sirius credit will still be worth the same amount. For example, one Enh. CM costs 500 credits, which means it costs 35000 to buy 70 of them. If you divided those numbers by 10, each CM would cost 50 credits and it would cost 3500 to buy 70 but the cost will still be exactly the same as it is now. It will not cost you any less or more to buy anything, the only thing that changes is the perception of how much the credit is worth.
7,000,000 credits would become equal 700,000 credit. You did not loose any value, because the price of a SNAC also dropped to 700,000 and you can still buy one. Make sense? Any pirate that demanded 2 mil would be equivalent of asking 20 mil, and no trader will pay that. It would also be seen as making an unreasonable demand.
' Wrote:I honestly don't see the point of 'dropping' prices across the board, to me its a waste of time not only for the developers, but well, ok only the developers.
*points at title* not a suggestion. Time wasting is an irrelevant factor in this discussion, because yes, because of the time factor, it probably never will become a reality. Hence, theoretical.