' Wrote:You cant just slap a blanket on all the factions saying that they must operate in a specific way.
McNeo, thats EXACTLY what they have, and are, doing to AW. Everyone on this server thinks they have a right to pick at AW's flaws, and say you have to do this, you have to do that. You have to act this way, and have these allies.
This is why I'm arguing.
I'm done conceding to people's demands on how i need to change AW. Most of these are just what people want me to do so they don't have to deal with AW anymore (AW-HF alliance argued by Former-BSG, current-SA/SF members). From now on, the changes I make are those I want to make, changes admins make me make, or changes the majority of my members want. From now on any requests/demands from anyone thats not an admin or AW member will be ignored, if people have constructive IDEAS or SUGGESTIONS on something they think could help AW or better it in some way, I'm all ears, but I'm simply fed up with, and done with complaints.
You want AW to change? Then join and see how AW is actually ran and operated, until you do you don't know what we do, how we do it, or why we do things we do.
Its like saying what a Virus feels like, when you've never experienced it, only observed from aside. Sure, you might see it hurts a little or alot, or where it might hurt someone the most, but you won't know everything, or the subtleties of the virus, until you've experienced having it yourself.