First thing. I once went to Omega-11 to prey on some Miners. A nice fight ensued, and it ended up being four Daumann Miners versus me. The RHA and a few associated indies then undock. This is nice and all. Daumann, RHA? Sounds like a party. I'm relatively unknown, and Daumann is one of the Hessian's greatest enemies.
So, 'eh, not only have you shot me while killing the very mining corporation you hate, but, the RP was literally "Phantom! He's awful! Kill him!" Not only that, but, four fighters decided that it was a better idea to chase off that guy who is killing your enemy instead of killing your enemy. I can understand that I'm in a Praetorian, but, if someone was in a Titan in Stuttgart killing Synth Foods, I'd probably give him the benefit of the doubt and kill the Synth Foods before him. But, that's okay. Moving on.
This evening, I attacked Kruger members. Strangely, an RHA shows up to take me away again. It was a rather astounding coincidence that Red Hessians showed up a second time while I picked on miners in the Omegas. Mark it off on the coincidence list, and here is the conversation:
Now, I have to say, much better RP from this one, and a commendable fight (great fun), but, again, shooting Phantoms...Instead of Kruger, the very mining corporation you spawned from and hate? I'm very confused here. We were rather expecting to be treated cautiously, as your faction status indicates, but, it seems that we're hostile.
I don't mind you shooting us, Virus doesn't mind if you shoot us, and Zelot doesn't care. We just want to know if you're going to shoot Phantoms. That's all on that front.
But, for a personal complaint, it rather seems like personal vendettas and OoRP ties are rather tying into the actions of the RHA. Four fighters chasing a Phantom? It seems like you all just wanted the blue message more than to actually Roleplay with me, especially since I was killing Daumann. A Red Hessian coming to defend Kruger? This really seems to me like someone just wanted to defend his mining spot and return to mining, especially since the other Kruger was online and waiting for something to happen and the other Mining Ship mysteriously disappeared.
That's all a fine indicator of OoRP motivations to me. Really, a bit of soul searching might be in order. I mean, devoting a greater force to a relatively unknown ship than to your devoted enemy (if we're looking at infocards) and attacking a relatively unknown ship for killing another devoted enemy doesn't seem like that great of RP, especially since the overlying purpose of chasing me off both times seems to be to make you more money, but I have been told that the RHA isn't a pirate faction but the actual Army of the Hessians. Just a little consolidation and checkups on the RP of your members would be appreciated.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.