Ok, for those who might want an update on how things are going, here's a small review:
1) After a bit of forum RP, we added the Anki freighter to our shiplist, a link to the thread with the diplomacy was added in the first post.
2) Ingame RP is starting to grow abit, though kusari sometimes is just to desolate to really do much of RP in. I hope we can change that with time. I'm still trying to figure out some aspects of RPing a Kusari Citizen, but hopefully I'll get the hang of it later. I don't know how my other members are doing just yet in that department.
3) Diplomacy is slowely but certainly taking basic lines with concerns to semi-lawfulls and unlawfulls. Blood dragons seem to be our main concern right now, as they make up the largest part of the pirates we encounter. A few GC pirates have been encountered, but some where negative, whilst others were rather positive, so I can't really figure it out just yet where they should stand.
Hogosha hasn't really bothered us, nor did they really stand out in terms of help, so they are getting more to the neutral part for the moment.
Then the farmers alliance, I have had some great RP encounters with them, and one AFA member even saved me from a blood dragon pirate, so I can see them getting to friendly. I'm thinking about changing the small history, because it kinda paints them as bad, while they really aren't.
Maybe a small bit of how I see the future, I hope to open trade diplomacy to one additional house, aswell as the use of bigger ships (up to 2000 cargospace max) somewhere in december, If we can survive that long, and if we have made our presence clear enough to the rest of Kusari, though december would be great in my eyes.
Well, thats where we stand right now. More feedback is always welcome, just like new members. If you're interested, just post here or send me a PM, than we can handle things.