Beware what we call meta-game-thinking - mixing rules (which are there to act as a structure to the role playing and to help ensure fair play) with the way you would be thinking if you were there. So, no, you cannot refer, in character, to ship IDs even though, as a player, you can see them on a ship like any other piece of cargo/equipment. Your character would not consider an ID as any more important than landing computer sub-systems or communications or life support or door opening mechanisms or any of the thousand other parts of a space vessel and certainly wouldn't refer to it as a commodity.
IDs can't be pirated - they cannot be salvaged (no more than 1 ID per character/ship). That possibility should be thought of as blind spot characters have no interest in thinking about. The excuse that an ID transponder isn't any more important than any other part of a ship is a fair one.
Never, ever, try to use the rules to your advantage. That's both meta-game-thinking and going against the spirit of the rules.
So, players in military factions do not, and never will police server rules. Absolutely not. Their law and order is not the same as server law and order. Two completely different concepts that must be kept separate. To do otherwise would not only break the idea of role playing but also sanction unlawful factions and characters to break server rules. Lawfulness of character doesn't equate to policing server regulations. Everyone can report breaches of these rules. And no references to server rules can happen in-character.
Sorry for insulting anyone's intelligence with this but it needs to be said IMHO.