' Wrote:Inferno got a +
Coloda got a + in efficiency. But a - in damage.
As I pointed out before, the Inferno change won't have any effect whatsoever on snubship combat. As, correct me if I'm wrong, but you personally have pointed out that the Colada used to be utterly worthless- it certainly seemed to be the prevailing opinion, anyway- and it has now been made more usable. It didn't get a blanket buff, it got a change. To me that sounds like an attempt to make it usable, like the Corsairs requested, without making it broken (worse than if it was unusable- like it was before). If it still needs help to be usable, then I'm sure it will continue being tweaked.
Have you even tried it yet? Or are you just noticing that one particular stat got lowered, and ignoring the (rather substantial) increases in other important stats? Namely the one the Corsairs were requesting a buff in, efficiency.
I'm wondering if you'd be complaining if the Titan got a 5% powerplant nerf but a 50% hull buff. Something tells me "no". Balance isn't linear, as has been pointed out many times... go try it, then see if its as good, better, or worse than before. THEN come back and tell us about it. K?