Being a bias person in control of the very minor faction as it is now, the sso|, i will tell people what i think of this situation.
I have never really understood why AW, who claim to act in the interests of the Zoner people, attack Bounty Hunters such as myself. I understand that we attacked the HF first, but we were contracted to do that. Its our job and Zoners also hire many BH NPC's to patrol their surrounding areas. Also, the only missions you see on FP9 are those of the Bounty Hunters. I do not understand why i am not allowed in a system in which my relative NPC's work.
I endevour to act as bounty hunters would. Is it so out of the question to kill lane hackers as a bounty hunter? Our NPC's keep the peace in Theta by killing Corsairs. Yet the corsairs do not attack (yet) Zoner stations for allowing bounty hunters to dock there. (i know there are rumours about a possible war but it hasnt happened yet).
AW doesnt need to act like Zoners to protect them, but they need to act like Zoners to police the area. As it stands where AW are not acting as zoners (by enlarge), they should only assume a defencive role in Omicron Theta. This means protection of any kind to traders. However, if they want to keep a sizable control of Omicron theta, i suggest using diplomacy which is at least half accurate to their NPC's stances.
Now to the Order. Dont you think it would be mutually benificial to ally with a faction that primarily kills nomads. They dont kill Liberty because they enjoy it, and if it was their choice, they would be allied to almost every faction to fight the nomads. both the Zoners and the Order pass through space infested with nomads. Why would they not ally against this threat? Zoners however have no part in hostilities between Liberty and the Order, hence why you dont see Zoners killing Liberty ever.
ANY alliance made by Zoners to a particular faction is against another NPC faction only. I have no idea why the GMG are allied to the Zoners, but this could be due to the fact that the GMG control virtually all of Sirius H-fuel supply.
You see, Zoners arent allied with the Order to fight Liberty, but only to fight the nomads, which is the primary purpose of the Order.
If you ally with the Outcasts, what is the reason? All it does is infuriate the Corsairs. If you ally with Lane Hackers, Corsairs are likely to get very annoyed. However, as you say you arent purely Zoners, then all these alliances are possible without question. However, you cant then restrict access of others (say corsairs) to zoner bases whatsoever, because you are not acting in the interest of the Zoner people. Zoners want to stay NEUTRAL to everyone, and therefore this NPC faction should not be confused with AW. AW in this case can try to force all hostile parties out of Theta, but cannot restrict access. So they cant say anyone is acting out of RP if their target speed docks on a Zoner station, seeing as AW arent acting in the interest of the Zoners.