Comrades! Today we have struck a great blow against those treacherous snakes who dared defy the ideals of the Revolution and sabotage our ships.
I began my investigation in Flight Deck 3 on Zvezdny Gorodok, where I immediately discovered shoddy maintenance work and vague, confusing logs designed to throw my investigation off the trail. I arrested the entire flight deck crew on suspicion of treason and began extensive interrogations. Three cracked after fifteen minutes of interrogation and confessed to being Alliance spies. I summarily executed them as examples to the rest, who remained steadfast in their declaration of loyalty to the Coalition. Two of them proved their loyalty by naming people they suspected of being capitalist infiltrators, while the others said they did not know of anybody. They are currently being detained under maximum guard until they either prove their loyalty or confess.
I shall as soon as I can follow the leads I obtained from the two flight deck staff members, when next I am not interviewing crew members for the new light cruisers.