You ask why so many wars? We've started on our own.. About 1, maybe 2.
And I don't think you read your history very well.. We do try to resolve our wars peacefully, then resort to massive force when that fails. A very recent example is when we, instead of demanding SA/SF/sso|/FEAR all to go neutral to HF before we got out of the war, we simple demanded that SF get out of the war. We got in because SF joined in, unbalancing it. So we came in to balance the sides. Once the SA told SF to accept, and they pulled out, so did we.
And for the SA's latest attacks on Vespucci, our ONLY demand was that they stop the attacks and go neutral. If we were not looking for a peaceful way to end the conflict, we would have demanded reparations or something from them, all we demanded was neutrality..
And before the sso| attacked us during the war, we DID stay out of you attacking the HF. We stay out of simple unlawful vs. lawful fights, and only get involved to defend our allies, not help them attack, and thats when we are nearby. For example, we have a ship sitting in Theta, HF gets shot in California, we stay out of it as we are way far away. However, if we were in Cali than we would assist the HF. But even if we were in Cali, and HF go attack the planet, we wouldn't help them, as its them attacking (this all assuming we are on neutral, not hostile, terms with the person they are fighting). But if Liberty went all out and attacked Vespucci, AW would get very involved.
So before sso| fought us, we wouldn't do anything except defend HF if they were attacked by the sso| near us.
If sso| came to us with a peace proposal, we would likely be willing to talk.. You haven't however, so why wouldn't we remain hostile?
And the stuff with FEAR started awhile ago actually. They might have been contracted against us, but we were already at war with them.
Long ago, FEAR attacked AW, we fought alot, they shield ran alot... They eventually left the server. Then they came back a few weeks before this war started.. They came into theta with a Corsair Dread and some other ship. They shot Korrd's bomber, unprovoked. We fought them off. We were hostile ever since. Again, we did not initiate hostilities, or provoke them in any way.
Because of our hostile status with sso|, we are not going to let an sso| fighter run around in Theta and/or Omicron-74. That is why Majkp was ESCORTED out. We did NOT fire on him. We gave him a chance to leave peacefully, he did, we escorted him out of Theta. I also said he was not allowed to attack Outcasts, whom we are friendly with. Normally, we wouldn't stop sso| from fighting them, but since Outcasts are friendly, and sso| are hostile, we did. After he refused to move on through Alpha to Tau-37 where he said he would go, we went to find him. Eventually he logged off. We PEACEFULLY escorted him out of Theta.. A hostile ship escorted out of Theta. I'd call that pretty defensive and very Zoner like, when dealing with a hostile.
In all our wars, we eventually came up (almost always the first side to offer a peace settlement, even when we are winning) with peace settlements. Just like we did in the SA/SF v AW/HF war. We've had 5-6 wars with SF... We started one, and that was when we attacked an SF because we were paid to do so.. They refused to go back to neutral after it. All the others were started by the SF. Twice they attacked Tau-37 (first time was during the time when factions owned Territory, and Tau-37 was ours.) Other times they've attacked us.
We had a brief (about.. 3 hours) war [more like hostile period] with RM. That was because one of their BS pilots got trigger happy and shot at my AW Eagle.. Again, I talked to RM leader (Angel) and we ended it peacefully, which resulted in the no-entry zone of Sigma-13 for any RM or AW capships. Peaceful end? I'd think so..
In all our wars, when at war we play it very aggressively. But we also give our enemy a settlement he can agree to or disagree with. Most of the time they agree.. Eventually.
Many people just look at the amount of wars and hostile statuses and declare us very un-Zoner. But they don't look into it very far, and don't see that almost exclusively, we are reacting from being attacked, or allies being attacked. They also don't see where we always offer peaceful alternatives to continuing the war, ones that the leaders of whom we are at war with, can discuss with us and change or agree/disagree to.
Next time we go to war, ask yourself; who started it? Who got provoked into a response? Who has offered any peaceful resolutions? Usually you'll see AW offering one, if not you will probably see one eventually.
And what is the difference between Zoners allying GMG (though I think they should be allied to IMG, not GMG) and AW allying HF? GMG is lawful and against pirates, HF is the exact opposite. If Zoners can have an ally that would make their rep increasingly worse with other factions such as Outcasts and Corsairs, why can't AW have an ally that would tarnish our reputation with a few factions as well, such as Corsairs and Liberty?
As far as I can see right now, people's problem with AW taking the Zoner alignment right now, is because of our number of wars/hostiles, and the fact we have allies.
The Zoners have allies, we can too, and still be Zoner. If we acted purely Zoner, we would still be allowed allies.
The wars, as explained above are almost exclusively caused by an attack on an AW or AW ally. I've also explained above, that just because a faction makes a small lawful vs unlawful attack on an ally, doesn't necessarily mean we will get involved. Big attacks, and invasions is different however. I feel that to be pretty Zoner-like in that we wait until we HAVE to get involved, before we do, and then we are willing to go to neutral with factions that were involved (SA is already neutral [recently changed to unfriendly due to attack of Vespucci]). Very few occasions will we remain hostile with a faction. So far thats been Phantoms, due Luciaden's RP, FEAR for repeated attacks and unwillingness to become neutral (they keep attacking us no matter what, why I have some suspicions, but no proof yet..), and then CUFF who I think almost everyone here agrees deserves to be at a state of constant hostility.. They did come to the server for the sole sake of attacking AW after all..:dry: