Curious, what ship do you fly, and what faction does it belong to?
None of the corporations should be using jumpholes - ever. For smugglers and pirates, jump hole use is ok, but you're probably going to deal with stuff like this from time to time.
I fly a slave liner, it cannot dodge, and does not have a countermeasure dropper either - yet I can still handle the wilde npc patrols that appear at the sigma 13 jumphole in new berlin, albeit I do lose my shield once or twice and have to burn through some nanos before I either kill them or get away.
Depending on your ship, you need to either fight immediately, or run the first chance you get. Trying to debate between the two will only get you killed, and some ships can only do one or the other. My slave liner cannot run, because of it's size and slow turning - but it has enough turrets to fight them off to some success. Smaller transports with fewer turrets should forget about fighting and just run for it.
Oh, and dont kid yourself - even with a CM dropper, you wouldnt get away. CM's work a whole 5% of the time now anyways, with the rate that npc's spam cruise disruptors, and the range that they spawn at. Other than for losing damage-dealing missiles in a combat situation, there's really no point to having countermeasures anymore, they havent worked right since 4.84.