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To: Rheinland Military
Sender: Oberfeldwebel Tomas Meinhardt
Guten tag meine herren. I joined up with the rest of the taskforce consisting of Major General Rall, Admiral Malte, Admiral Engels, Leutnant Haynsworth, Flieger Lehmann und Flieger Shetland. Vith the rendevous in Omega-7, Flieger Lehmann und I were patrol Alpha und met up with Admirals Malte und Engels alongside with Leutnant Haynsworth. In ze clouds of Omega-7, we found [IND]War.Footing carrying Blood Diamonds along with his refusal to halt.
We lost contact as the Kapitean fled into the gas fields.
Later, we found a supposed Freelancer named Kain flying a Liberty Very Heavy Fighter Guardian, with a Liberty affilitated IFF. Our qustioning began und the files are below:
After ze 'pleasant' encounter, Leutnant Haynsworth, Flieger Lehmann und I escorted him out of our Vaterland and finished patrols.