Entry#: 055
Date: 27 - 12 - 817 AS @ 14:00 SUT
Title: Business as usual
The plan regarding Antaeus' Rising was that the captain, Kendrick Perque, would have more-or-less total control of where he went and what cargo he took there. All credit transfers would be handled by myself, with the crew being paid wages out of the income the ship generates. It seems to be working fairly well, adding business management to my skills repository and bringing in a not great, but comfortable, profit. It's not the profit that I care about really, it's the crew. All of these men now have a legitimate income stream, which I hope will keep them on the straight and narrow and far away from the lure of the immoral trades I despise so much.
Perque is required to log all flights, waypoints, purchases and sales, on-duty and off-duty time. He then sends me the logs every week which I process and send payments to each of the crew's accounts directly.
I made it clear to the crew that they are free to take time off as required so long as they keep it reasonable. I hope this will keep their morale up, something I noted as being a problem among corporate transport crews.
According to Perque, his family has been under surveillance ever since some under the table dealings within Deep Space Engineering put him out of a job and on the LPI's wanted list for fraud and corruption. From what he's told me someone wanted his post as the head of his Mastodon transport; that person made false accusations in addition to planting evidence to remove Perque from his post and get himself promoted into it.
Changing the mood a bit, I think I could get used to living here on Gran Canaria. Yeah sure there are Bounty Hunters and Corsairs floating around everywhere but the Zoners have a strict no-hostility policy which they heavy-handedly enforce to keep everything in order. As long as I don't go out of my way to start trouble there won't be any. Heck, I bought fish and chips off a woman clearly of Hispanic descent earlier with cordial conversation and smiles all round. Just the way I like it.
With all that said, last week's logs from the Antaeus' Rising had an interesting footnote attached to them. Kendrick wants my help in recovering his wife and child from Manhattan City and to let her live on board the Antaeus. Of course I have no problems with the latter request but the former.... might get tricky.
I'm just too nice to people. It's going to be the end of me. In the very near future I'm looking to be going face to face with the LPI and LSF, and on top of that I still have a 10-year-old girl who needs to be returned to her sender.