Gladiator is interesting, first response of people is "zomg that's awesome", then they fly it and find out it's not so universal after all.
When it first came just about all corsairs in gamma switched to it, then they found out that Titans waltz over them in 1vs1.. and most switched back.
It's nice vs bombers, lfs.
Ok vs VHFs 1vs1.
Not that great in fleet battles (centurion or other HFs(Falcon, Switchblade, GMG...) are better at that).
Tell me what can it do what Titan couldn't do better.
Then after realising this, you think why da hell it's with 55 bots/bats. TCD on gladi doesnt works for piracy to low firepower. Well perhaps I just didn't matter the thing since I use Titan much more often, but do use eveything on that ship is really damn hard.
I know it sounds cool like "cd + torp slot" but it secrafices a lot for that. Furthemore, to use every advatantage of the ship (as I imagine since I haven't seen them yet) should require a lot of skill. Disturbing.
But my question was not about gladis balance as a whole. It just don't seem right for me, that gladi is heavier ship but uses same amount of bats like lighter one. THe question was answered. Thank you.