I have one concern, I haven't read your history yet, but I've noticed how you use civilian ID's and no IFF's...
My concern is that the civilian ID prevents anyone from above level 30 pirating you since they can't destroy you. Also, there are barely any pirates that are under level 30, therefore, your group would face virtually no piracy. Now, I know you guys won't get that much profit anyways since your gonna be on freighters which give a few hundred thousand profit for in house trading and all, but I personally see it as an RP obstacle if you can't be pirated, I mean, what trader doesn't get pirated?
I'd personally recommend you switch to the independent trader ID but still only use freighters, because then pirates will be able to pirate you. Besides, I doubt they'd pirate you that much seeing as your only in a freighter, and mainly because Kusari has a lot of good RP'ers in its midst.