' Wrote:Again with the argument 'they're supposed to be good'.
If we went with that logic, Guardians and Avengers should be better than Sabres and Titans because, well, there's no chance in hell that a group of unlawfuls from the lonelycrons can match Liberty's top notch warfare machinery.
Oh but they do.
Liberty does not have such materials as Corsair does..
Outcasts has the best guns developed, why? They are smarter than liberty due the cardamine.
I believe into balance then you loose soemthing to gain something. For some peaple some stats are more important than others. They can choose in which ships they might be the best. Oh and we have universal ships too.
Of course it's really hard to keep it equel or to identify if it isin't since we all are diffrent players with diffrent skills of the game.