I would enjoy this as the new Liberty Assault Battlecruiser. I think it would be a good replace for the current Battlecruiser, and actually give Liberty something that is state of the art, instead of Liberty producing things and then miraculously losing them to the Lane Hackers or the Order.
Yes, it would make Liberty a more crowded place, but we already have a lot of players in Battlecruisers and other capital ships (and yes, they're moving up to dreadnoughts and carriers now). I do not think it would severely impact the order of things.
I also think that this is far too minimalistic to be a Spyglass Dreadnought.
It may also be good for a special request newer Battlecruiser however. I can see this being Jimmy Patterson's ship, as well as a lucky fellow in the LSF and LN.
Conclusion: I would probably fly the Plymouth Rock more often if this were its design. I would also end up killing more delusional Captains in the Durango, but that isn't a major problem from my point of view.
Addendum: Yes, thankyou for that, Commander Malrone...