' Wrote:Kruger and Dauman are allies. Why are you killing your allies?
The truth cant be further than this. Let me explain why I say this. Im sure I dont need to say Krueger dont really like Daumann and same on Daumann side. Both are mining corporation and both are competitor to each other. What is in Omegas now is a corporation war, They dont touch each other openly in the core systems - bad for image, but in Omegas where no police forces, the situation is different. They DO act against each other. Just let see the rumors (I dont searched all what say this just 3 example from Omega 7)
A rumor from Briesen:
2 Rumor from Elbich
As I said this 3 not the full list what say Daumann and Krueger NOT ALLIES. This is NPC side. Lets see the player side. If we see both player faction description we see Krueger gave neutral status to Daumann and Daumann gave unfriendly-neutral to Krueger ( Krueger faction creation request; DHC feedback ). Seems like both side dont think they are allies!
Lets see what is happening in Omega 7. There are 3 mining zone, one to Krueger, one to IMG these are in the northen part and one to Daumann its on the southern part. If you wanna figure out where are you enough to check the Mining Ships (Satellites) what are there. We respect the Krueger's field, we dont go there for mining and this is what we waiting too. Same in Dresden, we dont go there mining diamonds, our place is in Omega 11, we know this and this is the RP too. We dont care if Krueger miners dont respect IMG's field, they are another competitor team, but we cant and wont let Krueger mining ships operating in the Daumann field. This is what happened too. Here is the discuss, I warned the Krueger how he is wrong place, I told him he need to go because that field is ours, he thought my speech is a Bull(****) so I gave him a warning shot (we usually do when we want listening, just ask those who we sent away) what he missunderstood and opened fire on me, so I finished him. We kill miners very rare, just then if they got warnings and ignore us. If they leave the area/system we let him go.
And a little critic in the end. I reed a lot of time a lot of place how a lot of player wanna see corporation or business war. This is what we try to make in the Omegas. At this moment mostly against non-rheinlander miners. How is it possible if we cant make away from this thinking: Im on Rheinland lawful side so if my opponent is there then we are allies. Worse in the unlawfull side, where all faction give everything to others and I dont see example LWBs without Arbeiter (Unioner ship) and Hessian guns or other mix. The picture is more colorful, the question is: are we enough high level achieve this or not. Or what is more important? Taking into consideration the rumors, the player factions will, or the clinging stereotypes without basic?
Yet I dont regret how the Kruger ship destroyed. Nothing personal, I dont know this guy. I think what I did is on the RP line (I dont wanted destroy I wanted to leave the area, he can thank himself the destruction), but Im open and please, Boss, or admins, convince me how I think wrong about Daumann and Krueger relations. I show upper part why I think what I think. Oh and if Im right, please the guns and money place back, thank you.
P S: Oh and please explain why come Krueger mining to the Daumann area? What is the RP reason?