Your Name-Elena Stanford
Birthplace-Planet Erie, Pennsylvania system
Height-172 cms
Weight-55 kilos
Relatives-Parents, Single brother
Previous Fields of Work-None
Timezone- SMT + 5.30
S-KYP3 Communication Details- prarabdh.thakur
Short Biography- I was born on Planet Erie to middle class Parents. My father was an Office Clerk and my mother was a teacher in a local school. I was brought up to be self-reliant and nobody realised that my ambition lay in the stars. I had always been in love with Liberty and what it stood for, and some part of me was itching to join the glory in some way. One day, Leaving a letter to my parents, I ran off with enough money to buy a decrepit starflier from a friend, and flew to New York to join the Liberty Navy, and here I am.