...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Zachary James Riley - Deshima Station
Konnichiwa Mr. Zachary James Riley,
your application for recruitment in the Kusari Naval Forces has been rejected.
What we seek in this place is unconditioned loyalty to the Kusari Empire and the Emperor.
Besides the fact the Chimaera is a military ship with classified designs and the Kusari Naval Forces would never allow its use outside of their ranks, your application does not fullfill the above requirement.
...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: KNF Dojo
All applications have been received and the following have been approved:
Kiyoshi Ryuunosuke, Ryouichi Kokuri, Hideo Desu, Togashi Maida, Kuro Nishizawa, Hiro Barakuda
Welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces!
The following applications are on hold due to agreements taken via private communications:
ksp-natsume, Kurwar.Mimoto
All new recruits please continue your applications to Delta Communications if you haven't done it yet.
Daisa Sasaki signal has been traced and a search team will soon be dispatched to signal location.