-------------Location Confirmed: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin------------------------------
-------------Sender ID: 3-4-4 ------- Flieger Leon Fischer-----------------------------------------
-------------Priority of Message: Normal-------------------
-------------Topic: Patrol---------------------
-------------Displaying Message: Execute---------------------------------
Guten Tag. This is the patrol report from several days ago. It could not be sent due to a series of electrical shorts in my quarters.
My patrol started off by receiving a distress signal from the RNC-Tirpitz. He was being attacked by some Hessian bombers in the Hamburg system. I checked my equipment and launched. By the time I made the jump to the Hamburg system one bomber had been destroyed and the rest had fled back to New Berlin though the gate.
I turned my ship around and jumped back to New Berlin. I started to comb the Trade Lanes for them. I found them on the Dortmund to Planet New Berlin Lane. Two bombers. They told me to leave. I told them I wasn't going anywhere. The said fine. Then they engaged. The first bomber was taken out quickly by my mines. The other bomber held on for a much longer time. Eventually he succumbed to a combination of MiniRazor and Firekiss fire.
After getting all of their pieces of ship out of the way of the lanes I moved on with my patrol. First I headed back to Hamburg. From there I got a tip about a Gunboat sighted in Stuttgart near the Omega-7 Gate. I once again turned around and headed for the New Berlin gate. I contacted the RNC-Tirpitz to act as support. We proceeded to Planet Stuttgart. The RNC-Tirpitz stayed at the planet and I went to check the lanes out to the Omega-7 Gate. I jumped to Omega-7. I checked the lanes for the Gunboat, but found no one. I returned to Stuttgart reported to the RNC-Tirpitz that the target in question must have moved on to another location. I returned to New Berlin then back to Hamburg to finish the patrol. I checked all of the lanes and went back to New Berlin followed by a jump to Frankfurt. Once again it was clear. From there I checked Munich. Also clear. Headed back to Frankfurt. Then back to New Berlin. I then Jumped to Dresden. Checked all of the lanes there, flew out to Battleship Altenburg. Came back to New Berlin and headed for Battleship Strausberg.
Guncam images:
Now that the electrical problem is fixed. I will be sending yesterday's patrol report as well.