"Agreed, Hokani-sama. We all owe you a great deal of thanks for your invitation.
"Your Highness, in the spirit of Hokani-san's efforts, let us begin. I suggest we discuss the treaty article by article.
"Let us first discuss the first article, titled 'Mutual Recognition of Sovereignty.'" The Guild Master read the passages in a deep and clear tone to the audience of Raikoke, Hokani-sama, and the Emperor.
' Wrote:Article 1: Mutual Recognition of Sovereignty
The Kusari Government fully recognizes the Gas Miners Guild as a sovereign corporate collective administered by a Board of Executives, whose citizens are its members, inhabitants, and shareholders. Kusari fully acknowledges the GMG's sovereignty over the entirety of the Sigma-13 system, the Hiryu Cloud and Donryu Cloud regions of Sigma-19, Sigma-59 and the vicinity of any entry to the system, the entirety of the Okinawa System, and the 7.0k vicinity and enclosure of Aomori Station in Honshu. Kusari recognizes the Honshu system as a region of overlapping political and cultural interests with the GMG. Aomori Station shall remain sovereign to the GMG, the Kusari Government diplomatically recognizes Aomori Station as GMG's outpost and center of commerce in Kusari.
The GMG fully recognizes the Kusari Government as the sole governing body of クサリ 帝国 Kusari Teikoku (Kusari), and recognizes the following systems as territories of the Kusari Empire: New Tokyo, Shikoku, Kyushu, Honshu, Hokkaido, Tohoku, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Nagano, Tau-29, and Tau-31.
Under this agreement, neither entity challenges nor denies the aforementioned territorial claims of the other.
"That is the entirety of the first article. Do your Highness have any questions or specific issues to address within the first article?"