I'm going to have to agree with Dog Soldier here..
Lawfuls helping unlawfuls is a big no no. In fact, if you worried about your own ID, more than just looking to get money or people in trouble, you'd see if the SF had come and aided you, both you and the SF would be violating your own IDs.
Lawfuls IDs specifically state they cannot ally (such as aiding) any unlawfuls. Unlawful (pirate) IDs specifically state they cannot ally with lawfuls. So a pirate trying to get SF to help him, is a violation of the pirate's ID.
Secondly, the ID is NOT a part of the cargo of a ship. It is a mere form of identifaction. It is not even in the cargo equipment slot. It is in the nano-bots, shield-batteries, and armor upgrades slot. This is not cargo, its mounted and unmounted equipment. Nano bots and shield batts are not cargo, they are equipment used to heal your ship. The ID is equipment mounted into your ship's IFF (this is in RP btw, and this is an RP server) transponders and shows who you are. Its a form of identification, not cargo, nor something RP factions can restict.
"Oh noes! He is using the Ageira ID!!!! Fine him!!" No. The ONLY actions taken on IDs are whether they are friendly, neutral, or hostile. A corsair ID carrier would be hostile to SF, however, SF can't fine somebody just because they have a certain ID.
@Dog-Soldier; I was that 'kindly soul' I think I was in my Luxury Liner at the time..