' Wrote:Dont care what faction rights you hold! I am just here providing criticism of what is suppost to be the Outcasts main faction who should in theory be more outcast then anyone else
That's right my character has corsair origins. Was a long term corsair. Not only by the story written, but by time spent in game itself. Long term OPG memeber, who later hanged out with remnants of OPG.
' Wrote:As no outcast GUARD would fly the ship of their arch enemies in official Guard tags. Sends a confusing message to newbies who might hear about the 101st being the "Top Outcast faction" to aspire too, then seem them flying LOLWUTitans.
As I stated above. My character isn't outcast either. Rather agent of 101st who takes place in organisation. Also, if you don't have with what to back up your words, I will ask you to stop calling my rp lolwut
' Wrote:It is also in my opinion highly oorp and completely illiogical for an Ex Corsair pilot to fly for the Outcast guard in the original ship he was assigned to as a corsair to kill Outcasts in :S:S:S:S. It shows by flying under 101st tags in a titan, that this pilot still has loyalties to the corsair nation as he wont let go of his ship. This therefore means he can be interpreted as a traitor and will thus be shot if seen.
Read the story, and you'll find all the logic you need. 101st tag should be enought to state loyalties for your character and do not question it as I see it. Also it shows how little you know about corsair lore.
' Wrote:It Your threats im afraid are idol, as in relation to your first statement I have slaughtered many 101st pilots as a Stray. and with other characters. So I would look forward to the encounters you describe.
Your always welcome to try to test me, providing decent roleplay before you start pew pew, ofc. In mean time I'm just starting to get used to strange layout, but I'll make it somehow.
' Wrote:Why dont you do us all a favour and provide MATURE Responses to the Feedback/Critique me, Zelot and Globalo have given you? Or after a year of my absence from disco have you still not grown up yet dear Exile?
Yeah and "i won't read it" is really mature from your side. Gheezh, stop telling others how to drive a motorbike then you haven't learned to handle a bicycle yourself. Atleast it looks like it from my point of view
Hopefully I answered some of your question. The links to the character story can be found in SRP character list.