' Wrote:So you're mad because the LPI and the [LN] both showed up a few minutes late to rescue your trader. From this you conclude that all of Liberty, including the LPI, LN, and possibly LSF are all corrupt, and we should therefore be selling lots of illegal goods at our bases.
You have wasted 15 seconds of my life that I will never get back in order to read your post, plus an additional 30 seconds to type out this dry, snide retort to your aforementioned post. Thanks.
No, mate.
Your sole argument in this thread is that you have elliminated corruption among your ranks. I quoted a relatively recent incident where your people rather than intervene in a robbery waited till the deed was done, extorted the stolen goods from the pirate, let him go free of charge, and then to rub it in you quickly rabbited with the recovered goods from my vicinity.
This, mate, is dirty cops at their best. If your apparently 15 second attention span still fails to understand what I'm saying: your in game RP is nowhere as clear as drastic a turnabout you are trying to claim.
Do understand that it will not change the fact that your claim here is invalid in my experience, nor will it make me retract any of what I said, but if I may ask, do keep the flame on, please. I brought marshmallows.:cool: