Araki Shibusiwa carefully inserted the laser welder and fused the two wires together. After carefully retracting it from the inner workings of the box she deactivated it and addressed her co-workers. "Alright, lets try it again." The room became a flurry of flipping switches, pressing buttons, and the tap tap tap of fingers on keyboards. This haste wasn't normal for her team, which was used to a much slower routine. However, the chance to work on a real, fully-functional, highly-advanced artificial intelligence's memory module wasn't something they were going to waste. Of course, the financial incentives had something to do with their speed as well. Zetsumai Keisotsu had promised to pay them very handsomely for quick work. Araki smiled.
Personally, she didn't much care who was in charge, Keisotsu or the Elders, so long as stuff got done. Keisotsu was definitely keeping them busy, though Araki didn't mind too much. She wasn't in a fighter getting shot at, and was being paid very well. She was content.
"Ready!" Someone shouted. Araki looked up at the display screen and the ultra-sharp, but distorted, kaleidoscopic video began to play. Almost immediately, she could tell they had fixed some of the video 'blackouts', though the procession was still nearly incomprehensible - A result of trying to compress the vast and complex memory of an AI into a two-dimensional video screen. Still, it was progress. She turned to one of the team members, the one controlling the computer system. "Have a copy of the most recent memories put on a datachip, then continue working. If you can, try to separate the different lines of thoughts to remove the distortion." A small beep sounded and Araki pulled out the datachip. "I'll go deliver this."
Ten minutes later, her shuttle took off from Battleship Matsuda's hanger, heading for Kyoto.