' Wrote:normal system space = unlimited (light is abundant, so no drain)
Not to burst everyone's bubble, but cloaking makes the user invisible to the visible spectrum and, in the case of freelancer cloaking, to most of the electromagnetic spectrum (hyperspectral imaging ftw). Therefor the energy that would be collected is instead passing through it.
There's your inRP explanation for a cloaking limit.
Use a single FLhook variable. One function, one timer. Every second, modify X [font=Arial Narrow]Pseudocode ahead:
nomadCloakTimer(userid) { if(isNommie(userid) { if(isCloaked(userid)) { if(x <= 0) { decloak(userid); return 0; } x -= min((max(450,velocity(userid))/150)-50-min(velocity(userid)-1000,0), 0); }
else { x += 1; setTimerEx("nomadCloakTimer", 2000 - max(min(0, SensorRange(userid)), 10000)/10, userid); } return 1; }