I think the same is with Mercenaries who should be a bit more better than a freelancer. I know asking a faction is good and all, and codeweapons are nice (but overused. There suppost to be relics, thus rare to find).
For an idea with freelancers and as such mercenaries, let the factions (being the magor factions) decide on one weapon that the have in there arsenal, and let mercs and freelancers use them up to a limit depending on how many there would be in rp, say a liberty faction (after discussion with all other liberty factions as they use the same weaponry) opens up shop for usage of the magma hammer. However it is decided you can only have 1 class 10 version or 2 class 9 versions, with all lesser versions a free for all.
My example limts the class of weaponry and also limits the number. Though this may take time as all the factions will need to talk to eachother to see what they would be happy with.
In real life freelancers and mercs ussually end up with a varity of weapons that there allowed to use freely. Typically Mercenary companies hold a variety of weapons from around the world ready for use.
But I still think that it may need restrictions in such that they need to work for a said faction first. As freelancers and mercs commonly are given arsenals only after achieving a few contracts with the variety of contries we have today.