How many times we saw traders activaiting cruise engines are running until we (pirates) are typing. Well there is fast typers, but im not one of them.
Well if we will give longer cruisse engine charge time we will have more oppurtinutys to RP well and have much more chances to catch a trader after our talk. Yes maybe some of you will say that this decreases the chances to escape the pirates, but think agian. Actually trader does not have any chances to run, then pirate halts him in 1 k range.
Furthemore think logically bigger ships have bigger engines. They are transporting huge and have cargo, so they need charge for longer time then a small engine of VHF.
Now, another question what is coming up from this is smuggling. I suggest to increase Pirates train and pirates transport cruisse charge to counterbalance for its lower cargo. Then surely Smugglers will use they RolePlay fitting ships more often, becouse huge trade vessels wont be succsesuful to run from police. Furthe more this can even increase escorts usage that will give more variety RP situation.
The cruisse charge tiem is not hardocded I saw this done in serval other mods. What you think?